AmigaActive (611/2143)

From:Nick Lamburn
Date:7 May 2000 at 17:06:06
Subject:Re: Thank-you ever so much!

Hi Michael

> Welcome, brother. We have been expecting you... :-)

Eeeeeeek! :)))

> On 06-May-00, you wrote:

Guilty as charged! ;))

>> Well I have finally got everything working as I like it. The PowerUp
>> emulation is working, WarpUp is now working (see below); and Quake runs
>> at a superb (well it's a BIG step up from my 040/40!) 15fps under WarpUp,
>> in 400x300 (it seems like 640x480!) 100% screen size.

> Glad you are finaly having some fun with the PPC! I remember the first
> time I had PPC Quake running.
> I did not know how I put up with 60% screensize & super blocky gfx under
> 040/33 after seeing it run on a 240mhz 603!!!

Fun, FUN! I'm having the time of my life! Well give or take a few other
things.... ;) Yes, I was simply shocked, and I had my mates over quickly
last night - when I showed them Quake on my 040/40 all they could do was
laugh - then yesterday I showed them it in 400x300 and they were very
pleasantly surprised, in fact they couldn't believe it and one of them even
asked "Okay Nick, where's the PC". LOL! :)

And my Dad paid me one of the biggest compliments ever, I was playing an
MPEG movie, pretty much at 14fps using a framerate of one using AMP (playing
at FRAMERATE 1 in 8bit colour) (AmiDog's Move Player btw) and he said `You
watching TV up here then?'. Amazing!!! :)) And I'd admit it was damned
good :))

Now, where can I buy VideoCDs, anybody got some for sale? I have heard the
Matrix is available. :)

>> Sometimes when using AmigaAMP set to WarpOS set as the decoder
> <Snip>
> What version of AmigAMP is this? it may be a fault in the program if its
> an old one.

It's version 2.7. It's becoming quite agrevating now. :( What other skin
based MP3 players are there about?

>> btw, the flash rom has ppc.library v46.25; what is the very latest
>> version,
> latest is V46.31, found at

Cheers. :)



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